Date of photograph: September 2002

This gravestone is located in the grounds of Fyvie Kirk, Fyvie, Aberdeenshire. The inscription reads:

"In loving memory of

John Anderson

who died at Darnabo

22nd Jany 1848 aged 60 years

and of Christian Tough his wife

who died 23 Sept 1855 aged 59 years

also their daughter Mary

who died 4 Mar 1851 aged 22 years

and their son John who died at 

Mains of Hatton, Auchterless

16 Sept 1858 aged 29 years

and his wife Ann Hall died at Turriff

22 Feby 1882 aged 49 years

also Mary

grand daughter of the above

who died at 49 West High Street


12th Jan 1941 aged 87 years

Erected by Thomas and Mary Anderson"