At Aberdeen the Twenty second day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty two. In presence of ARCHIBALD DAVIDSON Esquire Advocate Commissary of the Commissariat of Aberdeen Compeared JOHN DUGUID MILNE Advocate in Aberdeen as procurator and gave in the Testament underwritten of the after designed now deceased ROBERT BENZIE and craved that the same might (along with an Inventory of the said deceased’s Personal Estate) be insert and registered in the Commissary Court Books of Aberdeenshire in terms of the Acts of Parliament 44 Geo III Cap: 98 and 48 Geo III Cap: 149 Which request the Commissary foresaid finding reasonable ordained the same to be done accordingly and of which Testament the tenor follows viz: I ROBERT BENZIE residing in Wingfield of Ardoyne and Parish of Oyne being at present sound in memory and Judgment and considering the uncertainly of this life do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my two Brothers WILLIAM BENZIE Farmer at Scabbed Craigs and JAMES BENZIE Crofter residing at Goose Knowes both in the parish of Oyne to be my Executors and Intromitters with the whole moveable and personal property, sums of money and others, that may belong to me at the time of my death. And I hereby ordain any said Executors after payment of my just and lawful debts and funeral expenses to pay the following Special Legacies and Bequests. First I ordain my said Executors to pay to MARY BENZIE wife of JAMES BENZIE Crofter residing in Upper Ryehill Parish of Oyne the sum of Five Pounds Sterling. Secondly I ordain my said Executors to pay to WILLIAM BENZIE son of the foresaid WILLIAM BENZIE Farmer in Scabbed Craigs and one of my Executors, the sum of Ten pounds Sterling. Also to the foresaid WILLIAM BENZIE I leave and Bequeath my Double Mould Brill Plough. Thirdly I ordain my said Executors to pay to ISABELLA BENZIE Daughter of the foresaid WILLIAM BENZIE Farmer in Scabbed Craigs and one of my Executors, the sum of Five pounds Sterling. Fourthly To my foresaid Executors I leave and Bequeathe the following sums of money respective viz: To WILLIAM BENZIE Farmer in Scabbed Craigs the sum of Fifty pounds Sterling. And to JAMES BENZIE Crofter residing at Goose Knowes the sum of Sixty Pounds Sterling. And I do also leave the remainder of my moveable and personal property to be equally divided between my foresaid Executors WILLIAM BENZIE and JAMES BENZIE. And this I declare to by my last Will and Testament reserving nevertheless full power to me at any future period of my lifetime to alter or annul the same at pleasure. And I consent to the Registration hereof in the Books of Council and Session or others Competent therein to remain for presentation and thereto Constitute
In witness whereof I have subscribed these presents (written on this and the preceding page of paper by the Reverend ANDREW FRASER Minister of the Parish of Oyne) at Ardoyne this Twenty ninth day of August One thousand eight hundred and sixty two years in presence of Witnesses viz: The said Reverend ANDREW FRASER Minister of Oyne and DONALD FRASER Preacher of the Gospel there signed ROBERT BENZIE – ANDREW FRASER Witness – DONALD FRASER Witness
Aberdeen 22 November 1862 Referred to in Affidavit by me of this date on giving up Inventory of the Personal Estate of ROBERT BENZIE within designed now deceased signed JAMES BENZIE. C. WARRACK C.C.D. – Extracted on this and the five preceding pages by me Commissary Clerk Depute of Aberdeenshire