In the name of God amen, the twentieth day of June Anno Dom 1679 and in the one and thirtieth year of the reign of our Souvraigne Lord Charles the second by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland defender of the faith I CLEMENT HYORNES of Wardington in the County of Oxon yeoman being at this time in health and of perfect memory praised to God, and calling to mind the uncertainty of this life on earth and being desirous to settle things in order do make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme following, that is to say first I commit my soule to God my creator hoping for eternal life and salvation through the merritts of Jesus Christ and my body to the earth willing it to be decently buried in christian buriall
And for such wordly goods it has pleased the Lord to give me use of I dispose them as followeth, first I give and bequeath unto my loving wife MARY HYORNES the moiety or one half of all my dwelling house out houses farm yard garden orchard and upper part of my close (down to the meare stones sett to divide the said close) during the terme of her naturall life
And immediately from and after her decease unto my son JOHN HYORNES his heirs and assigns for ever, also I give and bequeath unto my said loving wife MARY HYORNES the moiety or one half of all that my half yardland of arable meadow and pasture ground with the appurtances which I lately purchased of JOHN FRENCH, during her natural life, and immediately from and after her decease I give and bequeath the said moiety or one half of all that my half yardland of arable meadow and pasture ground with the appurtances purchased of JOHN FRENCH as aforesaid unto my son CLEMENT HYORNES his heirs and assigns for ever
Also I give and bequeath unto my said loving wife MARY HYORNES the moiety or one half of all that my half yardland of arable meadow and pasture ground with the appurtances which I lately purchased of NATHANIELL FRENCH as aforesaid unto my son RICHARD HYORNES his heirs and assigns for ever, also my will and meaning is that the said lands and tenements soe by me given and bequeathed unto my said wife as aforesaid shall be in lieu and full satisfaction of her dower and thirds of the common law of and for all my other lands and tenements
Also I give and bequeath unto MARY HYORNES my said loving wife two cowes which she shall make choice of out of all my cowes and the use of that moiety or one half of all my household goods during her natural life also the other moiety or one half of all that my half yardland of arable meadow and pasture ground with the appurtances which I lately purchased of the said JOHN FRENCH I give and devise unto my said son CLEMENT HYORNES his heirs and assigns for ever, also I give and bequeath unto my said son CLEMENT HYORNES one cow and tenn of my best sheepe also the other moiety or one half of all that my half yardland of arable meadow and pasture ground with the appurtances which I lately purchased of the NATHANIELL FRENCH I give and devise unto my said son RICHARD HYORNES his heirs and assigns for ever
Also I give and devise the nether end of my said close with the appurtances up to the said meare stones unto my son RICHARD HYORNES his heirs and assigns for ever, also I give and devise unto my son WILLIAM HYORNES his heirs and assigns for ever the moiety or one half of all that my yardland of arable meadow and pasture ground with the appurtances which I lately purchased of GEORGE BLAGROVE (after the death of Mrs ELIZABETH ROBBINS) which said half yardland is now in the possession of my brother RICHARD HYORNES also the other moiety or one half of my said dwelling house out houses farm yard orchard and upper part of my said close (down to the said meare stones) I give and devise unto my said son JOHN HYORNES his heirs and assigns for ever, also I give and devise all that my half yardland of arable meadow and pasture ground with the appurtances which did originally belong to my said dwelling house unto my said son JOHN HYORNES his heirs and assigns for ever
Also I give and devise unto my said son JOHN HYORNES his heirs and assigns for ever the other moiety or one half of all that my yardland of arable meadow and pasture ground with the appurtances which I purchased of the said GEORGE BLAGROVE which said half yardland is now in the possession of MICHAEL BENNETT, also I give and bequeath unto my daughter MARY HYORNES the sum of threescore pounds to be paid to her by my executor herein after named within one yeare after my decease, also all the rest of my goods chattells and cattells with all and every thing ungiven and unbequeathed my debts and legacies being paid and funeral expensies discharged I give and bequeath unto my said son JOHN HYORNES whom I make and ordaine whole and sole executor of this my last will and testament and I doe hereby revoke all former wills by me made in witness whereof I have to this my last will and testament set my hand and seale this day and yeare above written – CLEMENT HYORNES (his mark)
Signed sealed and published in the presence of us – THOMAS SHORT – RICHARD HYORNES Senr (his mark) – WILLIAM WILKINS