Proved at the Peculiar Court of Banbury in 1738

In the Name of God Amen
I RICHARD HIRONS of Wardenton in the County of Oxford yeoman being in health and of a sound and disposing mind and memory Doe by this my last will and testament Give and bequeath unto my son RICHARD HIRONS all my reall estate whatsoever and wheresoever after the death of my loving wife MARY HIRONS but my will is that my son RICHARD HIRONS shall after the death of my loving wife MARY HIRONS pay unto my two sons and two daughters that is to say WILLIAM and THOMAS MARY andELIZABETH the sum of ten pounds apeice and as for all my personall estate whatsoever and wheresoever I Give unto my three sons and two daughters that is to say RICHARD  WILLIAM and THOMAS and my two daughters MARY and ELIZABETH to be equally divided between them but my will is that it shall not be paid till after the death of my loving wife MARY HIRONS and I do hereby make my loving wife and my son RICHARD HIRONS sole executors of this my last will and testament 

In witness whereof I have set my hand and seale Hereto this sixteenth day of October and in the year of the our Lord 1736 – RICHARD HIRONS (his mark) 

Signed Sealed published and declared by the abovenamed testator as his last will and testament in presence of us who have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto in the said testators presence – THOMAS HARRISRICHARD WILSON