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Date of Will: 5 October 1772 |
This is the last will and testament of me WILLIAM HIRONS of Wardington in the County of Oxford yeoman, first I give unto my loving wife SARAH HIRONS one moiety or half part in value of all my bedes bedding brass pewter iron linnen woolen and of all other my household goods and implements of household whatsoever and wheresoever which said moiety or half part my said wife is hereby impowered to choose inasmuch as I made no settlement on my marriage with my said wife my will and desire is that she shall have and enjoy her dower and thirds of and in all my real estate peaceably and quietly during her life according to the Law of this Realm I also give unto my son RICHARD HIRONS the sum of three hundred pounds to be paid to him when he shall have attained the age of twenty one years with interest for the same in the mean time after the rate of three pounds per cent per annum for his maintenance and education I also give unto my daughter MARY BALDWIN the wife of SAMUEL BALDWIN the sum of ninety pounds and unto my daughter ELIZABETH HIRONS the sum of one hundred pounds both which legacies last mentioned shall be paid to the said MARY BALDWIN and ELIZABETH HIRONS when and as soon as my son THOMAS HIRONS shall have attained his age of twenty one years I also give unto my daughter SARAH HIRONS the sum of one hundred pounds I also give unto my daughter HANNAH HIRONS the sum of one hundred pounds all which last three mentioned legacies my will is shall be paid when and as soon as my three daughters last before named shall severally attain their several age and ages of twenty one years and that they and each of them shall be paid interest for the same several legacies after the rate of four pounds per cent per annum for their maintenance and breeding up during their several minoritys and as to all my messuages cottages closes lands tenements hereditaments and real estate together with all my goods chattels effects and personal estate whatsoever not herein before disposed of I give devise and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto my son THOMAS HIRONS his heirs executors administrators and assigns for ever subject nevertheless and charged and chargeable with all the legacies herein before by me given and the interest thereof as also all my debts and funeral expenses and I do hereby appoint my said wife and my brother THOMAS HIRONS and WILLIAM COLE of Wardington aforesaid yeoman guardian of all my children which shall be minors at my death and of their several fortunes and estates during their several minorities and I do appoint my said wife and brother and the said WILLIAM COLE joint executors of this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the fifth day of October one thousand seven hundred and seventy two - WILLIAM HIRONS Sealed published and declared by the testator as his last will and testament in the presence of us having subscribed our names as witnesses thereunto CHARLES WYKES, RICHARD GREEN, R RIGNELL |