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Proved on 27 August 1887 |
This is the last Will and Testament of me THOMAS WOOSTER of Owlswick in the County of Buckingham Farmer I appoint my Wife MARY (during her Widowhood) and my Sons CHARLES WOOSTER and THOMAS WOOSTER (hereinafter called “my trustees”) to be the Executors and Trustees of this my Will I devise and bequeath all my real and personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever unto my trustees Upon trust (after the payment of my funeral and testamentary expenses and debts) in their absolute discretion to carry on the farming business (if any) which I may have at the time of my decease or to discontinue the same business or so much thereof as they may deem expedient at any time they may think fit so to do and to sell and dispose of all or any of the live and dead stock and other my estate and effects at such time or times as they my trustees may think it advantageous so to do and invest the proceeds thereof when and as the same shall be received in any of the Public Stocks or funds or government securities of the United Kingdom or upon freehold copyhold or leasehold securities in the United Kingdom and may from time to time at their discretion vary such investments for others of the same kind And shall stand possessed of and interested in the said farming business Estate and effects or such stocks funds and securities as aforesaid and of those existing at the time of my decease Upon Trust to pay the dividends interest and annual produce thereof to my said Wife or to permit her to take and receive the same for and during the term of her natural life And after her decease Upon trust that my trustees shall in such manner and under such stipulations and upon such terms in all respects as they or he shall think fit sell collect or otherwise convert into money according to the nature of the premises all such parts of the same premises as shall not consist of money and divide the same equally between my children who shall then be living share and share alike as tenants in common or the issue of such of them as shall then be dead leaving issue then living such issue if more than one to take in equal shares per stirpes And I hereby declare that the share of my children or their issue being daughters shall be for their sole and separate use and their receipts alone shall notwithstanding coverture be a sufficient discharge And lastly revoking all former Will by me made I declare this to be my last Will In witness whereof I the said THOMAS WOOSTER have to this my Will set my hand this Thirteenth day of April One thousand eight hundred and seventy eight – THOMAS WOOSTER – Signed and acknowledged by the above named THOMAS WOOSTER as his Will in the presence of us present at the same time who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses – THOS. HORWOOD, Solr, Aylesbury – ALEX. ROSS, Solr, Aylesbury Proved at Oxford the Twenty seventh day of August 1887 by the Oaths of MARY WOOSTER Widow the Relict, CHARLES WOOSTER and THOMAS WOOSTER the Sons the Executors to whom Administration was granted but as to the said MARY WOOSTER during her Widowhood only The Testator THOMAS WOOSTER was late of Owlswick, Monks Risborough in the County of Buckingham, Farmer, and died on the Eighteenth day of July 1887, at Owlswick aforesaid Personal Estate Gross £4,090.19.0 |